Little Sea Roly-Poly

Cubaris murina “Bahia Honda”


15 mixed: $20
50 mixed: $50
100 mixed: $80

Detailed Species Stats -Click-

    • Adult Size: 11 mm.
    • Care Level: Easy.
    • Temperature Requirements: 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Air Humidity: Not picky.
    • Substrate Humidity: Moist.
    • Favorite Foods: Not picky.
  • Locality: Bahia Honda, Florida.

Despite having only two days to search the Florida Keys on my first trip for bugs (and half of that time was spent unpacking, eating, and packing), I was able to locate these cute isopods in very strange places. Most were collected from bone dry logs (all the while I was being nipped by flies), though others were found in leaf litter. These do not get as large as other roly-polies, but their clean appearance, cute little goggle-shaped heads, and perky orange uropods make them interesting in their own right. More experience with this species in captivity has shown them to be decent producers, though not as fast as other roly-polies.