Costa Rican Banana Roach

Panchlora sp. “Costa Rica”


15 mixed: $50
40 mixed: $100

Detailed Species Stats -Click-

    • Adult Size: Male: 19 mm. Female: 22 mm.
    • Climbing Abilities: Adults of both sexes can climb.
    • Flying Abilities: Adults of both sexes can fly.
    • Mode of Birth: Ovoviviparous.
    • Care Level: Intermediate.
    • Temperature Requirements: 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Air Humidity: Not picky.
    • Substrate Humidity: Moist.
    • Favorite Foods: Bananas.
  • Locality: None.

Somewhere in between Panchlora sp. “Hobby” and sp. “Giant” in size, this species combines a bit of the color of each as well. Ventral examination of the abdomen suggests that this species is more closely related to sp. “Giant” than to sp. “Hobby” due to the similar shape and structures.