Schwarz’s Hooded Roach
Compsodes schwarzi 30 mixed: $20 100 mixed: $60 300 mixed: $160 ( Contact for availability ) Alan Jeon put the extra special effort into collecting this tiny species on Roach Crossing’s first Arizona trip....
Compsodes schwarzi 30 mixed: $20 100 mixed: $60 300 mixed: $160 ( Contact for availability ) Alan Jeon put the extra special effort into collecting this tiny species on Roach Crossing’s first Arizona trip....
Periplaneta americana Cultivar name: “Black” Mixed nymphs: $5/each Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $40 The isolator of this strain is currently being researched. This creation of this pretty cultivar was the first step to...
Blaberus craniifer Cultivar name: “Euro” Mixed nymphs: $4/each Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 “Euro” is the longest craniifer variety, although more lightly built than the other two. The elytra are typically solid black,...
Euthlastoblatta sp. “Ocala” Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $70 Hiding among the biological curiosities of the southern United States alongside many invasives and perhaps equally as many undescribed species is a decorated treasure found...
Parcoblatta zebra “Buhl” Mixed nymphs: $5/each ( Contact for availability ) Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 ( Contact for availability ) Arguably the prettiest Parcoblatta species, zebra roaches have been coveted by hobbyists...
Blaberus discoidalis “Redlands” 15 mixed: $30 70 mixed: $100 300 mixed: $250 (Not available) In the incessant quest to acquire more pure discoid roach lines, Floridian roach enthusiasts have stepped up to the plate....
Chorisoneura parishi 40 mixed: $30 100 mixed: $70 Upon first finding this species in Florida circa 2015, its identity was a mystery for some time before better identification resources were available. Found very sparingly...
Parcoblatta pennsylvanica “Tuscaloosa” Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $40 Parcoblatta pennsylvanica in name only, this locality is very different from northern strains despite the adult males possessing the identifying paired thoracic structures. There is...
Aglaopteryx gemma “Key Largo” Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $80 These exquisite roaches are found throughout the extreme southeastern United States and are probably endemic to that part of the Caribbean. There are numerous...
Neoblattella detersa Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $40 ( Not Available ) A Caribbean endemic that has, naturally or unnaturally, made its way to Florida, the polished new roach is found in a variety...
Latiblattella rehni Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $80 This is a flighty, high-strung roach often found within the folds of dead palm fronds. Considering the lack of defense mechanisms, this species is probably readily...
Ischnoptera sp. “Perry” Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $40 This intriguing cockroach resembles Ischnoptera deropeltiformis and may be a subspecies or variant of it, though there are some suspicious differences. The...
Cariblatta minima Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $40 ( Not available ) Although once considered a subspecies of Cariblatta lutea, the mini yellow cockroach has once again been elevated to species status. It is...
Eurycotis floridana “Big Torch Key” Mixed nymphs: $8/each Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $80 In the original Allpet Roaches book by Orin McMonigle and R. Willis, there lies a mythical image; plate 1, image...
Periplaneta americana Cultivar name: “Venom” Mixed nymphs: $7/each Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $60 The isolator of this strain is currently being researched. Probably the coolest American cockroach strain ever created, bearing an undeniable...
Arenivaga floridensis “Archbold” Mixed nymphs: $15/each ( Contact for availability ) Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $130 ( Contact for availability ) Florida is a fascinating place that embodies the dichotomy of...
Blatta orientalis 30 mixed: $20 ( Contact for Availability ) 100 mixed: $60 ( Contact for Availability ) Also known as the “water bug”, the oriental roach has one of the widest distributions...
Pycnoscelus surinamensis 30 mixed: $10 100 mixed: $30 500 mixed: $120 The Surinam roach is a parthenogenetic species, meaning the entire culture consists of females. The nymphs are plump and soft and make excellent...
Phoetalia pallida 30 mixed: $10 100 mixed: $30 500 mixed: $120 Recent experience with this amazing feeder suggests that it prefers a much drier substrate than previously assumed. This species responds well to constant...
Panchlora sp. “Hobby” 30 mixed: $30 100 mixed: $80 500 mixed: $350 ( Contact for Availability ) This beautiful species is an excellent feeder for any insectivore. The bright colors and erratic movements of the...
Ischnoptera bilunata 30 mixed: $20 ( Contact for Availability ) 100 mixed: $60 ( Contact for Availability ) 500 mixed: $250 ( Contact for Availability ) Despite the numerous gigantic, lush-looking...
Blaberus discoidalis “Banana Bay” 50 mixed: $60 ( Contact for Availability ) 100 mixed: $100 ( Contact for Availability ) 500 mixed: $450 (Not available) Blaberus discoidalis is a large sized feeder species that...
Pseudomops septentrionalis Mixed nymphs: $5/each ( Contact for Availability ) Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 ( Contact for Availability ) The pale-bordered field roach is a timid species from the southern US. The...
Parcoblatta divisa Mixed nymphs: $2/each ( Not available ) Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $15 ( Not available ) The southern woods roach is a native roach often found in the Southeastern US. It...
Ischnoptera deropeltiformis Mixed nymphs: $5/each (Not available) Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $50 (Not available) As its name declares, this species has very sexy legs. The newborns are dull brown (much like other native...
Parcoblatta lata Mixed nymphs: $5/each ( Contact for availability ) Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 ( Contact for availability ) The broad wood roach is the second largest species in the genus Parcoblatta....
Pycnoscelus indicus Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $20 Though it isn’t the most visually appealing, the Indian roach has an interesting history. It has been flip-flopped around through various taxonomic identities, mainly because of...
Eurycotis floridana “Silver Springs” Mixed nymphs: $4/each Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 Don’t let the name trick you; although this species produces a defensive odor, many keepers find it to be extremely pleasant....
Blaberus atropos “Florida” Mixed nymphs: $4/each Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 This vivid species make a great pet or feeder. It is very similar to Blaberus discoidalis, but adults have an enticing...
Hemiblabera cf. roseni Mixed nymphs: $2/each Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $20 This very timid species prefers to stay buried most of the time. They are most easily seen early in the morning or...
Blaberus craniifer Cultivar name: “Orin McMonigle” Mixed nymphs: $4/each Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 Probably one of the coolest roaches, the death’s head roach is often (unbelievably) mistaken for several other species, including...
Blaberus craniifer Cultivar name: “University of California, Riverside” Mixed nymphs: $4/each Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 This strain of Blaberus craniifer is characterized by its larger size, overall darker coloration, and less distinct...
Supella longipalpa Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $30 ( Contact for Availability ) THIS SPECIES IS A HOUSEHOLD PEST. KEEP AT YOUR OWN RISK. This pest species is often found in dormitories, laboratories, and...
Symploce pallens Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $20 ( Contact for Availability ) The unadorned cockroach is an occasional inhabitant of greenhouses around the globe. The males are fully winged and the females are...
Blattella asahinai Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $20 ( Contact for Availability ) Have you ever wanted to keep Blattella germanica, but were too afraid of having them infest your house? I have good...
Blattella germanica Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $20 ( Contact for Availability ) THIS SPECIES IS A HOUSEHOLD PEST. KEEP AT YOUR OWN RISK. Yes, this is the infamous German roach. After years of...
Blattella germanica Cultivar name: “Black” Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $40 ( Not Available ) THIS SPECIES IS A HOUSEHOLD PEST. KEEP AT YOUR OWN RISK. Isolated by Auburn University. Please see the Blattella...
Periplaneta australasiae Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $30 Despite its common name, the Australian roach is native to Africa. It is a pest in greenhouses around the world, where it thrives in the warm,...
Periplaneta fuliginosa Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $30 The smoky brown cockroach is a familiar sight in many eastern coastal states, particularly Texas and the Carolinas. As with the other members of this genus,...
Periplaneta brunnea Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $50 (Contact for availability) The brown roach is extremely similar to the American roach, only with different coloration and differently shaped cerci. It is less adaptable than...
Periplaneta americana Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $20 50 mixed: $50 Perhaps the most famous cockroach, the American roach is found across the globe. It is a resilient species, having spread far beyond its...
Periplaneta americana Cultivar name: “White Eye” Mixed nymphs: $4/each Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $40 Re-isolated from mixed stock by Orin McMonigle. Please see the Periplaneta americana page for additional information.
Parcoblatta pennsylvanica (Michigan) Mixed nymphs: $4/each ( Not available ) Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40 ( Not available ) One of the largest species of wood cockroach, the Pennsylvania wood roach is also...
Cariblatta lutea Starter colony (15 mixed nymphs): $30 This tiny roach is common across its range in many habitats from scrub to pine hammock to deciduous forest. Despite this, it can be a challenging...
Epilampra maya Mixed nymphs: $10/each Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $100 Introducing the Maya roach, the first captive species that can be kept semi-aquatically! In the wild, nymphs and adults are found under rocks...
Parcoblatta fulvescens 30 mixed: $20 ( Contact for Availability ) 100 mixed: $60 ( Contact for Availability ) 500 mixed: $250 ( Contact for Availability ) Fulvous wood roaches are a perfect feeder for...