Porcellio scaber cf. forma lusitanus
Cultivar name: “Lava”
15 mixed: $60
50 mixed: $160
100 mixed: $300
Detailed Species Stats -Click-
Originally described as a single-gene mutation, “Lava” is actually a complex of extremely variable genotypes. This stock is believed to originate from Spain and is thus very unique from most North American derived scaber lines. Both males and females can possess calico-esque characteristics as well as stripes, solid bodies, and concentrations of dark and light pigments. Yellow calicoes are not intrinsic to this locality and the presence of these suggests contamination with North American scaber lines. Roach Crossing has isolated numerous new cultivars from this line and the genetic potential when crossed with other lines is endless!
**As of 2022, additional information has come to light about this stock. Isopod specialist Nathan Jones notes:
“… Porcellio scaber “Lava” are an intermediate population of Spanish Porcellio scaber lusitanus and Porcellio scaber scaber. This may be the reason their color genetics are so complex.
The status of the subspecies Porcellio scaber lusitanus is disputed seeing that the only differences between the nominate subspecies is allometric growth; therefore, “lusitanus” is only a form in the sense of Vandel, which occurs only in large-sized specimens, so it should be indicated as Porcellio scaber “forma” lusitanus. The diagnostic characteristics are: large gray individuals, more pronounced granulation in the form of spikes, more developed uropods, more developed lateral lobes, rounded median lobe.”
Please see the Porcellio scaber page for additional information.