White Spot Assassin Bug

Platymeris biguttatus

Cultivar name: “Ghost”

Mixed nymphs : $20/each
Starter colony (8 mixed): $150

Detailed Species Stats -Click-

  • Adult Size: 38 mm.
  • Care Level: Easy.
  • Temperature Requirements: 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Air Humidity: Dry.
  • Substrate Humidity: Dry.
  • Favorite Foods: Live insects.
  • Locality: None.

The isolator of this strain is currently being researched.

“Ghost” white spots popped up in Europe around 2015 and have slowly made their way stateside. Pictures are scarce for this variety, but adults look like sun-faded versions of typical white spots. The nymphs, however, are very unique; their leg bands ghostly pale and the abdomen of recently fed individuals distinctly grayish white. Although I wasn’t a fan at first, this variety has really grown on me and is probably my favorite Platymeris aesthetically.

Please see the Platymeris biguttatus page for additional information.