American Wood Roach

Parcoblatta cf. americana “Twain Harte”


Mixed nymphs: $6/each
Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $50

Detailed Species Stats -Click-

  • Adult Size: Male: 25 mm. Female: 21 mm.
  • Climbing Abilities: Adults of both sexes can climb.
  • Flying Abilities: Adults males can fly.
  • Mode of Birth: Oviparous.
  • Care Level: Intermediate.
  • Temperature Requirements: 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Air Humidity: Not picky.
  • Substrate Humidity: Moist.
  • Favorite Foods: Not picky.
  • Locality: Twain Harte, California.

This little gem is one of my favorite Parcoblatta species. In 2014, cockroach enthusiast Kevin Przyybala revisited a subalpine pine forest at my incessant behest to collect some cockroaches he found beneath well-rotted logs. After much work he recovered a handful of nymphs and sent them to me, where they disappeared into my roach collection. Through several moves and various other stressors these little guys persisted, and may now be a candidate for my longest-running Parcoblatta culture. Over 6 years later I have finally made them available!
Although the range for this strain coincides with that of true Parcoblatta americana, there are some suspicious differences. Adult males of this strain are black compared to the brown/orange usually shown in americana, the habitat is very different from the open chaparral inhabited by typical americana, and the oothecae are different. Perhaps one day they will be marked a distinct species or subspecies.