Big Black Beetle Mimic

Ergaula pilosa


Mixed nymphs: $4/each
Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $40

Detailed Species Stats -Click-

    • Adult Size: Male: 35 mm. Female: 37 mm.
    • Climbing Abilities: Adult males can climb.
    • Flying Abilities: Adult males may be be able to fly.
    • Mode of Birth: Oviparous.
    • Care Level: Easy.
    • Temperature Requirements: 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Air Humidity: Not picky.
    • Substrate Humidity: Moist.
    • Favorite Foods: Not picky.
  • Locality: None.

If you like Ergaula capucina, you will love this species! Bigger and darker, this species of Ergaula shares its care needs with its smaller cousin. Some adult males have a small spot on their wings, but most are solid chocolate brown. One interesting behavior I’ve noticed is that when the females are left on a hard surface that they cannot burrow into, they will either hunker down and not move or try to walk away by doing a very twitchy and sneaky crawl. Because of its complacent nature and size, this species is excellent for handling.