Arenivaga floridensis “Archbold”
Mixed nymphs: $15/each ( Contact for availability )
Starter colony (12 mixed nymphs): $130 ( Contact for availability )
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Florida is a fascinating place that embodies the dichotomy of a gorgeous, unique ecosystem juxtaposed with its cesspool-like assemblage of introduced species. Among these beautiful and exquisitely adapted endemic species is the Florida sand roach. This species is disjunct from all other Arenivaga species and is a relic of an ancient time when scrub land linked the US southwest to the southeast. Much like its western kin, the Florida sand roach is an adept burrower but can reliably be found further from rodent burrows unlike many western species. This locality represents one of three major lineages of Arenivaga floridensis and is also from one of the southernmost known populations, the Lake Wales sand ridge. Adult females from some populations are cream to white with black and brown markings, quite different from the usual depictions of the species which are nearly solid black. Although a veritable survivor in the harsh sand ridge scrub habitat, this species can be rather fragile in captivity. Too much humidity without adequate ventilation or temperatures that are too cold for too long can severely impact a colony. Anecdotal field evidence suggests that this species craves heat; in winter they burrow into the ground around shrubs to avoid the cold and are far more difficult to find than in heat of the summer.