5/16/2023: Welcoming the new member of the family
The blog posts section has been silent but a lot has been going on behind the scenes as I organize stock, ship out the remaining auction orders, and prepare for the biggest move of my life. During this hectic time, circumstance has encouraged me to make yet another major decision at the behest of my hairy four-legged housemate.
The April Bugapalooza auction successfully provided the funds to purchase Viktor the gampr an unrelated girlfriend. Logistics forced a decision yesterday, though I was able to talk about personalities with club more to give me better peace of mind on the decision. Out of the two best candidates, we have decided that the girl with the green collar will be the best fit.
Her arrival will be much sooner than expected, and she will be arriving on my doorstep this upcoming Sunday or Monday. Both my life and Viktor’s will be turned upside down for a few weeks as we get used to yet another giant furball in the house.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible. I am excessively grateful for your patience as I solo pack the tens of thousands of auction bugs, but of course my gratitude will be drastically eclipsed by Viktor’s once he realizes what’s about to happen.
Look forward to site updates and consistent blogs this June, particularly gripes about finding a property to accommodate the growing swarm!