Category: Blog Posts

2/3/2025: I’m finally moving!

2/3/2025: I’m finally moving!

It’s been a long process getting everything in order for the move, but the farm fencing is finally done. Minus some gates that need to be installed, the barn is just ready enough for...

11/11/2024: ANYONE CAN BID Auction Link and Rules

11/11/2024: ANYONE CAN BID Auction Link and Rules

Roach Crossing Bugapalooza Auction Server on Discord: Auction Livestream: A big thanks to Pseudoscorpions are Best for making the winning thumbnail, as well as to all who participated! 1. Before participating, please...

10/8/2024: October move update

10/8/2024: October move update

With the WGL ended, I figured I would dust off the blog posts section for an update on the move. We FINALLY have an absolute last possible date for the land clearing: November 4th....

9/7/2024: The Final Weekly General Livestream, fundraiser and auction details

9/7/2024: The Final Weekly General Livestream, fundraiser and auction details

Youtube Livestream: Roach Crossing Bugapalooza Auction Server on Discord: 1. Before participating, please be familiar with the Youtube Community Guidelines: 2. All participants must be 18 years of age or older,...

6/29/2024: July 27th 8 PM Auction Details!

6/29/2024: July 27th 8 PM Auction Details!

OFFICIAL RULES, SCHEDULE, AND NOTES MUST READ! Roach Crossing Bugapalooza Auction Server on Discord: 1. Before participating, please be familiar with the Youtube Community Guidelines: 2. All participants must be 18 years...

11/10/2023: Raffle Fundraiser for the Overhaul

11/10/2023: Raffle Fundraiser for the Overhaul

Roach Crossing is running a raffle to help fund the website overhaul, featuring some of your favorite invertebrates! RAFFLE INFORMATION/RULES Raffle tickets will be sold from November 9th 2023 until December **7th The raffle...

8/31/2023: The Grand Roach List 2023

8/31/2023: The Grand Roach List 2023

It’s been over a year since I’ve posted a grand roach culture list, and with September right around the corner and some epic new acquisitions thanks to generous roach friends, this seemed to be...

8/13/2023: Nazig’s 3 Month Check-In

8/13/2023: Nazig’s 3 Month Check-In

Summer is flying by and the feeling is exacerbated by Nazig’s non-stop growth! She’s gotten so big since arriving here in May (thanks to the April Auction’s participants!) and has gone from a cute...

8/11/2023: Blue birthday blobs

8/11/2023: Blue birthday blobs

Another year, another birthday. I was grateful to yet again be joined by friends and family on my 31st. As is tradition the last few years, we did some hiking at Lake Erie Metropark...

8/9/2023: The glamour of Gryllus grabbing

8/9/2023: The glamour of Gryllus grabbing

I often sing the praises of roaches, but despite being musical insects (and singing for themselves) cricket keeping hasn’t really caught on in the United States. Acheta and Gryllodes are available and almost every...

8/7/2023: Breaking my Microtomus curse

8/7/2023: Breaking my Microtomus curse

Almost a decade ago Alan Jeon sent me my first Microtomus purcis, one of North America’s prettiest assassin bugs. I got immediate results as babies popped up by the dozens and thrived for a...

7/31/2023: Happy Harlequins

7/31/2023: Happy Harlequins

Neostylopyga rhombifolia have come and gone in culture over the last few years, but after receiving new stock originating in China I think I’ve got their husbandry down. Much like Periplaneta brunnea, they seem...

7/29/2023: The mysterious Redlands surinams

7/29/2023: The mysterious Redlands surinams

The wilds of Florida conceal many secrets and it seems like every few months roach keepers gain access to yet another species not officially listed as established in Florida despite there being large breeding...

7/1/2023: Mini auction a huge success!

7/1/2023: Mini auction a huge success!

A titanic thanks to everyone who made yesterday’s mini-auction a huge success! Pending some factors out of my hands, I will now be able to afford a collecting trip to New Mexico/Texas this summer...

6/21/2023: Happy Summer Solstice!

6/21/2023: Happy Summer Solstice!

I hope everyone is enjoying the light and warmth of our first true day of summer! I have been busy in the roach mines catching up on orders but will be taking some time...

6/14/2023: The utilitarian scarlet runner bean

6/14/2023: The utilitarian scarlet runner bean

Continuing this mini-series of garden related entries, I was shocked to find that my scarlet runner beans self-sowed into my patio garden area. This is a large, robust, tropical perennial valued for its edible...

6/12/2023: Blooms in June

6/12/2023: Blooms in June

I perpetually exist in the space between being critical of man-made abominations and admiring them as works of human ingenuity coupled with the flexibility of nature. On a whim I purchased a dirt cheap...

6/6/2023: Final auction order wind-up

6/6/2023: Final auction order wind-up

Spring auction squaring up is just about done. If your order had DOAs, needed substitutions, or had any other deviation that we have not already discussed via email, PLEASE contact me so we can...

6/5/2023: Clear inbox, clear mind

6/5/2023: Clear inbox, clear mind

It has taken weeks but I have completely cleared both inboxes. Regular replies should be the norm until the next major thing, which will hopefully be the move in the coming months. Website availability...

5/31/2023: Power outage blues

5/31/2023: Power outage blues

Just as auction order shipping is wrapping up and Iโ€™ve been getting through the inbox, fate decided to strike right to the heart once more. Several hours ago our power went out, rendering me...

4/25/2023: Order inquiry reopening

4/25/2023: Order inquiry reopening

All, Roach Crossing has begun taking regular orders once more. Expect delayed ship dates as the auction orders will be going out first, followed by standard orders. Have a lovely spring and hope to...

3/22/2023: Onward to Alabama

3/22/2023: Onward to Alabama

Today marks the beginning of the spring 2023 Alabama trip! I’m hopeful for a touch of relaxation and many new bug finds on this expedition. I’m excited to catch up with everyone afterwards, be...

3/18/2023: April Bugapalooza Auction Details!

3/18/2023: April Bugapalooza Auction Details!

OFFICIAL RULES, SCHEDULE, AND NOTES MUST READ! **UPDATED 3/31/2023** Roach Crossing Bugapalooza Auction Server on Discord: 1. Before participating, please be familiar with the Youtube Community Guidelines: 2. All participants must be...

3/15/2023: Roach Crossing blogs diapause

3/15/2023: Roach Crossing blogs diapause

You may have noticed the blog posts have been scarce lately. I’m currently very busy getting my affairs in order for the collecting trip next week as well as the auction taking place a...

3/7/2023: Not so bratty firebrats

3/7/2023: Not so bratty firebrats

Once more I’ve found myself admiring my feeders to a degree that most would admire their cherished pet tarantula or “higher” organism. Mid chore spree in the bug room, two firebrats in the new...

3/5/2023: Progress with Dynastes grantii

3/5/2023: Progress with Dynastes grantii

In September 2021, Will and I collected a mated female Dynastes grantii in southeastern Arizona. I was able to get several larvae from her, and now a year and a half later they’re preparing...

2/25/2023: Sexy legs success

2/25/2023: Sexy legs success

Would you laugh if someone tried to keep a fish alive out of water and wondered why they failed? While it seems like common sense, this is a common pitfall invertebrate keepers. Through different...

2/22/2023: One is the loneliest number

2/22/2023: One is the loneliest number

Valentine’s day has come and gone, but there are a lot of singles still in the trenches of the love war. One of those soldiers is everybody’s favorite livestream interrupter, Viktor. Viktor is finally...

2/6/2023: The not-so-fragile fragile cockroach

2/6/2023: The not-so-fragile fragile cockroach

Back in October I received the surprise of the month. After coveting them for several years, a contact reached out with pictures of the fragile cockroach, Euthlastoblatta abortiva, a drop-dead gorgeous ectobiioid roach from...

2/4/2023: Huge success with Utah silverfish

2/4/2023: Huge success with Utah silverfish

On record, I’ve stated that my second favorite group of insects are the silverfish (order Zygentoma), and I need to stand by my statement lest I be harassed by certain record keepers. Despite being...

2/2/2023: Single file with Salganea raggei

2/2/2023: Single file with Salganea raggei

Unique roach behaviors are sometimes overlooked in captivity, a fault I am often guilty of. However, on those few nights where I can prowl the bug room uninhibited by schedule restrictions, I often have...

1/26/2023: Another charming Ceuthophilus

1/26/2023: Another charming Ceuthophilus

I have a generalized obsession with hemimetabolic insects, greatly subsidized by the ease of culture and diversity of cockroach species. Orthopterans have long been on my radar as well and the number of species...

1/19/2023: Big news for Blattids

1/19/2023: Big news for Blattids

After a long absence of blog posts I was ready to come back hard with some pictures after a whimsical night wandering about the bug room, but this morning I was gobsmacked with some...

12/4/2022: Porcellio scaber “Excalibur”

12/4/2022: Porcellio scaber “Excalibur”

I received a box of an incredible rough isopod strain last week, those lovelies being Porcellio scaber “Excalibur”. This phenotype is the work of two diligent keepers, Anthony Green and Mike Thalacker. Anthony collected...

11/29/2022: Feed your fruit flies!

11/29/2022: Feed your fruit flies!

Drosophila cultures are one of the handiest things to have around when working with small invertebrates. We all may have gripes about feral fruit flies, but domesticated, flightless strains outproduce most other insects and...

11/18/2022: Giga-Gryllus

11/18/2022: Giga-Gryllus

2022 has been the year of the Gryllus as I’ve collected species from across the US to captive breed. I have two established cultures and hope to round them out with another 5 by...

11/16/2022: Ectobius pallidus in the cold room

11/16/2022: Ectobius pallidus in the cold room

Last year marked my first success with multiple generations of Ectobius pallidus. This is a finicky ectobiid introduced to the midwest from Europe, although interestingly the genus is believed to have evolved in North...

10/24/2022: The auction dust settles

10/24/2022: The auction dust settles

It feels like forever since the last blog post, but here it is! The majority of auction orders have been shipped with a few major outliers (you know who you are), and I have...

9/26/2022: Bugapalooza Auction Details!

9/26/2022: Bugapalooza Auction Details!

Greetings all,The blog section has been quiet as I frantically prepare for this weekend’s big event! Posts should return at high frequency when things calm down in the fall, as they often do. Here...

9/16/2022: Balancing the bug room

9/16/2022: Balancing the bug room

Roach Crossing has come to an important crossroads. With a move coming up soon and more bugs arriving to the menagerie this summer than ever before, I’m faced with addressing my very real space...

8/28/2022: Amidst the many bugs

8/28/2022: Amidst the many bugs

The blog posts section has been pretty quiet lately, and this is primarily due to the bulk of my time being spent putting away new bugs and recovering from the trip. I have a...

8/24/2022: Back with bugs!

8/24/2022: Back with bugs!

After a very successful trip, I’m back and burdened with many new bugs. I look forward to sharing my observations and finds with everyone on the upcoming September 1st livestream, as well as in...

8/8/2022: Westward bound

8/8/2022: Westward bound

Today, I depart on my arduous journey out west to satisfy my lust for more sand roaches and spend some important time with a special someone. Though I can’t say for certain what awaits,...

7/25/2022: The dog days of summer

7/25/2022: The dog days of summer

The days are long, hot, and oscillating between dry and wet. My to-do list is long and seems never-ending. Several trips are behind me, and one big one looms on the near horizon. The...

7/21/2022: Tennessee trip, in short

7/21/2022: Tennessee trip, in short

I didn’t know it was possible for 2 days to feel like 2 weeks, and yet last weekend did. Over 16 hours straight of driving and only 7 hours of viable collecting time made...

7/`16/2022: A crop of baby Florida false wetas

7/`16/2022: A crop of baby Florida false wetas

One of the projects I’ve been intimately documenting on the livestream has been progress with Tafalisca eleuthera, known to hobby keepers as the Florida false weta. My experiences are well-detailed on the Youtube channel,...

7/12/2022: A new page for even more bugs!

7/12/2022: A new page for even more bugs!

Collecting Trip Finds and Wild-Caught Availability After grappling with the idea for a while I’ve finally added a page for wild-caught stock and trip finds. Thinking forward to the out west trip, it has...

7/10/2022: My dastardly public betrayal

7/10/2022: My dastardly public betrayal

Being understaffed once more in addition to this being the peak time of year for new bug cultures, I have been pretty pressed for time and energy. Regardless of my petty needs for decent...

7/2/2022: Big and buxom Appalachian ladies

7/2/2022: Big and buxom Appalachian ladies

At some point in academic bug circles Narceus americanus gained the common name “American giant millipede”. While the species (as it’s currently described) is quite large among the many introduced julide of the eastern...

6/30/2022: Fall cybersale in the works

6/30/2022: Fall cybersale in the works

There are some big things in the works for this fall, and unfortunately after being out of the Tinley Park expo scene for a few years it’s become impossible to get a table. Though...

6/26/2022: Back from the break!

6/26/2022: Back from the break!

Hello once more! With my mind and body rested after a good break, I will be back to standard operations once more. E-mails should be cleared within a few days and pending orders processed...

6/17/2022: Staycation begins

6/17/2022: Staycation begins

Today marks the start of the first semi-formal vacation I’ve had in years! I’ll be using this time to catch up on yard projects, do some hiking, spend some time with a special someone,...

6/14/2022: June 16th Livestream cancelled

6/14/2022: June 16th Livestream cancelled

Some unfortunate news for all the livestream fans: this week’s livestream is cancelled. I forgot that I had double booked this Thursday for a livestream but had previously committed to doing a native edible...

6/10/2022: Necrophiliac Necrophila

6/10/2022: Necrophiliac Necrophila

The meme of “disgusting bugs” is pervasive in western culture, and many of us who frequent this site do our best to dispel and educate away these erratic stigmas. However, there are truly beautiful...

6/6/2022: Another bustling week with updates

6/6/2022: Another bustling week with updates

For those who haven’t watched last week’s livestream, I’m coming off the heels of both my parents contracting covid and needing frequent care which has set back many of the day-in, day-out operations at...

5/29/2022: Gampr at work

5/29/2022: Gampr at work

May 26th was Viktor’s first birthday, and pending genetic testing in another 8 months he’ll be viable for studding! We have been working on his cross-species socializing daily, and some things have come more...

5/21/2022: New success with Blattella vaga?

5/21/2022: New success with Blattella vaga?

Younger iterations of Kyle had some incredible roach luck. To this day I occasionally struggle with Deropeltis sp., Neostylopyga rhombifolia, and Eurycotis opaca, species I was able to produce in good numbers consistently in...

5/10/2022: The Grand Roach List

5/10/2022: The Grand Roach List

Sometimes I get a little itch to crawl the bug room and catalogue all of my strains/species, and that feeling struck again the other day. About once a year it’s nice to have a...

5/9/2022: The Amado Arenivaga assortment

5/9/2022: The Amado Arenivaga assortment

Riding on the coat tails of Arenivaga apacha “Cave Creek Canyon”‘s success, sp. “Amado” are ready for an upgrade. However, this locality poses a unique problem: it is a mixture of two species! Arenivaga...

4/23/2022: The cool cerci of Pseudoglomeris tarsalis

4/23/2022: The cool cerci of Pseudoglomeris tarsalis

Perisphaerinae have received a lot of love lately with the expanding availability of Pseudoglomeris magnifica. There has been another species brewing in the shadows, though. Pseudoglomeris tarsalis seems to be magnifica‘s even easier-going cousin,...

4/21/2022: Black German progress

4/21/2022: Black German progress

Roach keepers in the United States have been ashamed to admit for some time that the “easiest” roach to keep, the one that can be found at infestation levels in apartments, dorm rooms, and...

4/18/2022: The mighty Megaphasma

4/18/2022: The mighty Megaphasma

Right before the Alabama trip I was sent a good number of one of North America’s most delightful boneless treasures: Megaphasma dentricus. This species holds the record for the continent’s longest insect and despite...

4/15/2022: Welcoming home Masoala hissers

4/15/2022: Welcoming home Masoala hissers

Jumping back into the blog-o-sphere, this week famed Invertebrate Dude TJ sent me a lovely box of new roach goodies, many of which are gracing my presence for the first time. Among those goodies...

4/7/2022: Spring status update!

4/7/2022: Spring status update!

Hello again everyone after a drought of posts! This is a mid-depth update to bring you all up to speed with some current goings-ons at Roach Crossing. It’s been tough finding time to do...

3/27/2022: A new line of pure portentosa?

3/27/2022: A new line of pure portentosa?

The Alabama trip was incredibly fruitful and it’s been a chore to prioritize what things get put away first with everything that needs to be done. One thing I set up almost immediately was...

3/25/2022: Farewell and Godspeed Will!

3/25/2022: Farewell and Godspeed Will!

The dust is still settling from the Alabama trip as I hurriedly catch up on e-mails, blog posts (soon!), and putting away the many awesome finds we made, but amidst this I have some...

3/17/2022: Off to collect in Alabama

3/17/2022: Off to collect in Alabama

The winds of whim blow southwards yet again as Will and I depart on what may be our shortest expedition yet: a weekend blitz of ‘Bama for some miscellaneous bugs and a chance to...