Common Roly-Poly

Armadillidium vulgare

Cultivar name: “Pennypack Gold”

15 mixed: $40
50 mixed: $120 (Contact for availability)
100 mixed: $200 (Contact for availability)

Detailed Species Stats -Click-

  • Adult Size: 18 mm.
  • Care Level: Easy.
  • Temperature Requirements: 68-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Air Humidity: Not picky.
  • Substrate Humidity: Moist.
  • Favorite Foods: Not picky.
  • Locality: Pennypack Park, Phildelphia, Pennsylvania.

Isolated and refined by Bill Yannone.

This beautiful line of common roly-polies has beautiful neon-yellow young that mature into pale yellow to peach adults with a dark patch on their pleon. The genetics seem different from the “Albino” line produced in Europe, but further test crossing is required to determine this. Bill Yannone’s work with his local roly-polies truly shows that eye-catching strains can be created from stock collected anywhere.

Please see the Armadillidium vulgare page for additional information.