Powdery Blue Isopod

Porcellionides pruinosis

Cultivar name: “Orange Cream”

15 mixed: $40 (Contact for availability)
50 mixed: $100 (Contact for availability)
100 mixed: $180 (Contact for availability)

Detailed Species Stats -Click-

    • Adult Size: 12 mm.
    • Care Level: Easy.
    • Temperature Requirements: 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Air Humidity: Not picky.
    • Substrate Humidity: Moist.
    • Favorite Foods: Not picky.
  • Locality: None.

Isolated and refined by Roach Crossing.

A cross of the popular “Orange” and “Cookies and Cream” strains, creating a delightful orange phenotype with splashes of orange. Fully grown males trend towards full orange coloration, but the antennae and legs are still noticeably off compared to the wild type.

Please see the Porcellionides pruinosus page for additional information.